Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy 10 Year Anniversary to US!!

I met my husband 12 years ago through a mutual friend that decided to set us up for a blind date. We spoke on the phone for several days, getting to know each others likes and dislikes, goals and backgrounds before we had the first date. I still remember greeting him at my door and seeing his beautiful smile. We decided to spend our time in Asheville at a quiet bistro and then strolled the streets for window sights. (I think he wanted to do this, because it was 20 degrees).
That date was followed by 100+ more of the best times Ive had with one person. He was, and still is so witty, confident and attentive.  He also included my children with dates that were just for them. We had fun together and there has never been a forced happiness between us. We dated for a year before Mark proposed to me. He actually got down on one knee, to which I said YES!! We were married the following summer with our family and friends in attendance. We moved to a new city/county after we were married and have been here since. We have added 2 children to our family, giving us a total of 4 together.

 Like other couples, we have had our ups and downs. I'm sure there have been days Ive loved him more than he loved me and vice versa. I know there have been times when one or the other of us has wanted to walk away for various reasons. I'm very glad we chose to stay and work it out. Our blended family has come through trials and events together that have moulded us into who we are today. We continue to work on our family dynamic daily.

I know that Mark and I have both grown in the 12 years we have been together. We have changed into different people while still loving each other and working toward the same goals for what is best for our family. I can honestly say that I love him more today than I did years ago. Its a love that grows with us and for us. I love him for who he is and what he wants to be. I love him for the husband he is and the father to our children he is. I love him for working hard to provide for our family and always putting others first. I love the way he forgives others and how he is a positive role model.

I look forward to the next years to come with our family and I pray that God will continue to bless our marriage.

Mrs. Mark Kelley

Songs from our wedding:

Bridal Entrance-given in marriage  by Zach and Conner Baker
Only Time by Enya

Sang After Family Circle- This Day by Point of Grace

First Dance- At Last by Etta James


  1. Glad you had a great anniversary!

  2. Happy anniversary to you and Mark! May God bless you with many, many years of love and happiness ahead.

  3. How beautiful! Happy Anniversary!
